Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mission for Messiah

Above a door at my house is a reminder from Baptist Mid-Missions "YOU ARE NOW ENTERING THE MISSION FIELD!" As a Christian, do I desire to see all peoples come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior? What would I be willing to endure so Christ may be glorified" in my life," or for the proclamation of the gospel, or for the saving of souls? What would I depart from, what earthly "net" would I drop to follow Christ? Would I pray to Almighty God, being led of the Holy Spirit, asking " Is it full surrender you want Lord? Then let me by your grace, without reservation, surrender all so the Church may be revived, souls saved, lives changed, Christians discipled, dark continents lightened up by the saving power of the Gospel of Christ." If I want Christ glorified have I counted the cost?Will I go on mission for Messiah? Finally, start by "redeeming the time" where God has placed you.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Jesus and cross

Jesus Christ is the reason for the season . . . . Jesus is the reason why I desire to see all men come to know Him as Lord and Savior. + , is this a plus sign or a positive sign? What about the cross(+)? If a man is offended by the cross of Christ on the side of a highway . . . I say, thanks! I say, Man . . . you get the cross, you understand what the cross is about, the Roman cross inflicted great pain upon the one who was nailed to it, the cross was inhumane, a savage way to punish the guilty, the cross was and is ugly . . . But God commendeth His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us(on a cross). Let the cross offend you, let the cross nauseate you, and let the cross nag your heart to the extent that you will see yourself as a sinner, being loved by God the Father, who gave His Son to die on the cross that whosoever believes upon Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Isaiah 53 is the GOSPEL !

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Has God been rejected by America? Has America "kicked God out" where He should rightly be? Is God under a bridge somewhere in U.S. metropolitan cities begging to be let back in civil life? Is God on a curb, next to an interstate ramp, holding His thumb up and signaling " let me back in your Civic?" Have we thrown God in a prison of rebellion with the possibility of parole? He we aborted God? Have we rejected His authority? Mutiny? Have we waterboarded God, hoping He will share the right intelligence we need? Are we wanting God to speak on our terms?Are we saying, " Hold your tongue God?"

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Several years ago a Christian friend asked me, Why does God love us so much? I responded in a know-it-all-way . . . Well, because He loves us, He just loves us. But let me now show you how God's Spirit corrected my know-it-allism. I was attending Sunday morning worship, and we were singing about the Father's love, and then the past conversation that had with my friend came back to my memory. It dawned upon me, that my friend's question was not just a question, but a statement of fact, a rhetorical question, in other words my friend was saying . . . . . I'm so amazed how much God loves us, I am awestruck, or I am filled with awe.

Let me attempt to get out my imaginary soapbox.I will give some type of application. We as Christians can be so theologically minded we forget to be filled with the Spirit when handling the Word of Life. We can have the right doctrine, we can be confident that the Word of God is infallible, but without the Spirit of God revealing the Scriptures to us in our daily normal lives whether it be at church or outside of church, our( and I say "our") interpretation of God's Word is mundane. If I am to be astonished with God's Word I must be filled with the Spirit, the Spirit of God must be the teacher, and I should pray that God's Spirit in me would make me sensitive to the wonderful Word's of life, so when I am asked a question about the Word I do not respond in a know-it-all-way.

Monday, June 21, 2010

" Other Christians and ministers who seem very religious and useful may push themselves, pull strings and work schemes to carry out their plans, but you cannot do it, and if you attempt it, you will meet with such failure and rebuke from the Lord as to make you sorely penitent."

It's sad, we as " supposed Christians " are less satisfied with what we do not have rather than who we should have, and that's Jesus Christ. We as Christians should desire Christ; " For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain" Philippians 1:21, rather than some job or career that will just for a short time satisfy the longings or missings of our heart. I will confess, I get jealous when I see someone else doing something that I'm passionate about and then I'm stuck where I'm at wondering, "Will my passion come to fruition?" Let me be honest, I'm blinded and ignorant if I'm stuck in this mentality! I'm so self absorbed if I think "my life" is about me.We (I too) must be reminded, "And ye (Christians) are complete in Him . . . Colossians 2:10. I do not need a greener pasture, another fancy trinket, a little more popularity, another feeling of acceptance, another "new me." What Christians need ( I too ) is Jesus and NOTHING ELSE! If you ( me too ) got a good job, a career, a loving family, children that are not sick but well, a house to find refuge, or better yet a home to come home to, we as Christians should be satisfied. What about you, are you satisfied with what God has blessed you with? If not, take another look my friend, examine your life and seek the face of God . . . .