Saturday, August 6, 2011

Exploring Nature

I love the outdoors. I love the mountains. I also love the fact that me and my family experience nature together. There's nothing like getting up out of bed on a Sunday morning, going to church, looking up to the sky, and saying "This is the day which the Lord hath made let us rejoice and be glad in it." It doesn't matter if your automoblie is old, your clothes and shoes come from Walmart, or your house is not that grand to look at, you can still be thankful and enjoy the riches of God's creation. Do you own a BMW or an old beat up Ford? Do you live in a rich house or the poor house? Well, it doesn't matter we it comes to enjoying the sunrise, the sunset, the fire flies, the trees swaying in the wind, the mountain trails, the creeks, the waterfalls, the moon and the stars, the heat from the sun, or the snow in the winter, the wildlife, the wild flowers; do you find time to stop and enjoy life in God's creation? Escape work for a moment, go outside, look up and be glad for the Lord gave another day . . . . 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Searching for Bike.

I've been doing a little homework, looking for a mountain bike around Chattanooga,TN, and I must express my appreciation in my search. I went to Suck Creek Bikes and River City Bike Shop and I was pleased with the information I received from both places. If you're reading this, you got to come to Chattanooga, TN and if you already have a mountain bike give these bike shops a visit, you will enjoy their hometown hospitality. Also, the VW Nature Center in Chattanooga,TN is an awesome place for the avid mountain biker. The trails are well maintained, the canopy over the trails keeps the biker protected from direct sunlight, and it's a great place to relax.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A million, I'll never have.

If i had a million dollars i wouldn't go on swanky vacations,drop it for a bigger house next to a lake; I tell ya what I would do, I'd give it all away just to be 1 minute by your side.
If i had a million dollars i wouldn't give it to an association, a person, or a political party; But I tell ya what i would do. I'd throw it in a campfire, watch it burn, just to show you . . . you'll always be mine.
I know . . . , I'll never have a million bucks, a big winnebago,all the fix'ins you want, but my heart will have your love forever in my heart.  

Friday, June 3, 2011

Mocking Hell, a brief thought. . . .

Hell is not a joke, hell is not a party place, a street, a town, a worksite, a situation of great difficulty, the summer season, hell is not a laughing matter, hell will not freeze over, you cannot beat the hell out of someone or something, hell fire maybe a curse word to the one using it but it is an actual place for those who have died and gone there . . .  it is a place of no escape, hell is not fictional, hell is not fantasy,lost souls or somewhat good people don't go to purgatory to escape the aweful torments of eternal hell only to end up in God's paradise, it is either heaven or hell . .  no in between eternal state! The Roman Catholic's did not invent hell or theorize hell,  and everthing hell is not should be refuted by the Word of God. If we are to find out what hell is why not go to the primary source where hell is treated seriously, the BIBLE? 

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mission for Messiah

Above a door at my house is a reminder from Baptist Mid-Missions "YOU ARE NOW ENTERING THE MISSION FIELD!" As a Christian, do I desire to see all peoples come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior? What would I be willing to endure so Christ may be glorified" in my life," or for the proclamation of the gospel, or for the saving of souls? What would I depart from, what earthly "net" would I drop to follow Christ? Would I pray to Almighty God, being led of the Holy Spirit, asking " Is it full surrender you want Lord? Then let me by your grace, without reservation, surrender all so the Church may be revived, souls saved, lives changed, Christians discipled, dark continents lightened up by the saving power of the Gospel of Christ." If I want Christ glorified have I counted the cost?Will I go on mission for Messiah? Finally, start by "redeeming the time" where God has placed you.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Jesus and cross

Jesus Christ is the reason for the season . . . . Jesus is the reason why I desire to see all men come to know Him as Lord and Savior. + , is this a plus sign or a positive sign? What about the cross(+)? If a man is offended by the cross of Christ on the side of a highway . . . I say, thanks! I say, Man . . . you get the cross, you understand what the cross is about, the Roman cross inflicted great pain upon the one who was nailed to it, the cross was inhumane, a savage way to punish the guilty, the cross was and is ugly . . . But God commendeth His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us(on a cross). Let the cross offend you, let the cross nauseate you, and let the cross nag your heart to the extent that you will see yourself as a sinner, being loved by God the Father, who gave His Son to die on the cross that whosoever believes upon Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Isaiah 53 is the GOSPEL !